Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Prejudice and Discrimination in the Society

We found Prejudice and Discrimination anywhere

As many people believed that minority always to be victim of prejudice in American society. However, surprisingly, as reported by “The Week” (2017) magazine that majority, white people feel the society prejudiced against them, and even discriminated to them. This finding is based on survey to 3 thousand respondents across America, where 55% white people believed prejudice will be found in their daily live.

Then, in education, 11% white feel negatively to enroll for education at higher level. If we look at income, the lower to middle class of white believed that they faced discrimination in applying for job, promotion and salary. The white also believe it is difficult to get government help compared to African-American.

However, the survey finding other racial group believed their group not better than white people. 92 percent African-American believe their group face discrimination and prejudice against them in every day live in America.

At the same time, far-right movement, included white nationalist groups proposed “White Lives Matter” movement. Civil rights monitor as part of the Southern Poverty Law Center classified neo-Nazi movement, white nationalist (white supremacy) and some other far-right groups as hate groups. These groups prejudiced to minorities groups, include refugee. These hate group rallies against refugees in Tennessee. In fact, refugees are very small portion of population only in Tennessee.  

Moreover, prejudice is a kind of un-favor behaviors or opinion to other groups (races) without reasons, while discrimination is prejudice treatment to other groups based on their color, race, sex or religious. McIntyre (2011, p.245-248) described that prejudice is based on not true information (in-accurate knowledge) and false arguments from one groups to other group of communities.

Discrimination is prejudice in action. Prejudice is not always manifest into discrimination.  Author give an example the different between prejudice and discrimination. Mr. “A” and Mr. “B” both factory managers, and both dislike Jew without reasons. Although Mr. “A” dislike Jew, but Mr. “A” accept Jew as workers at his factory. Thus, Mr. “A” is prejudice only to Jew. Then, by contrast, Mr. “B” creates regulations in order to reject Jew to work at his factory. This is called as prejudice and discrimination.

Finally, from above summary that what long time ago believed that minority only faced prejudice and discrimination is “not always true” anymore. The majority believed that they get prejudice and discrimination in modern America society as well. 

McIntyre, L. J. (2011). The Practical Skeptic: Core Concepts in Sociology 5th ed.,
New York: McGraw-Hill.  (ISBN 978-0-07-340440-0).

The Week. (2017). Majority of US whites believe they face racial prejudice. Retrieved from


  1. Prejudice and Discrimination

    As many people believed that minority always to be victim of prejudice in American society.

  2. Prejudice, and, Discrimination, in, the Society

  3. Prejudice, and, Discrimination, in, the, Society

  4. Prejudice and Discrimination in the Society

    We found Prejudice and Discrimination anywhere

  5. Prejudice and Discrimination in the Society

    As many people believed that minority always to be victim of prejudice in American society.

  6. Prasangka dan Diskriminasi banyak sekali terjadi di masyarakat

    1. true...
      thank you for your comments on:
      Prejudice and Discrimination in the Society
      However, surprisingly, as reported by “The Week” (2017) magazine that majority, white people feel the society prejudiced against them, and even discriminated to them.
